Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 14 - Blanche DeBris

On a day devoted to love, I want to talk about one of the best emcees in the game, who is one of the best because her love for the performers and the audience is palpable. I speak, of course, about Blanche DeBris.

I have no desire to be on a stage. I'll never be a burlesque performer. But I was forced once to emcee a private show where all three performers were close friends and there was zero pressure from the crowd, and even with NO STAKES AT ALL, I got the sweats and felt completely overmatched. I know how hard it can be to emcee a show, so I study the good ones, in case I'm ever stuck again for whatever reason.

I've seen Blanche emcee more festival shows than anyone else, because so many festivals know: book this woman and she'll deliver. She's hilarious, both with any material she's prepared and with in-the-moment reactions, she's just a damn fine singer who frequently opens shows with original song parodies, and, even with all that ability, she never makes the show about her. Blanche always brings the focus back to the performers in the show, and features generous and thoughtful introductions of them. It's clear she just LOVES TO DO THIS and her enthusiasm is contagious to every audience she gets in front of.

More than that, she reminds all of us that we're seeing something great, live theater, together as a community. We are neighbors, if just for 90 minutes, and we have more in common than we probably know. She gives even veteran burlesque fans great perspective on what they see while encouraging newbies to open up and find something they love throughout the proceedings. And when she gets excited and can't contain her energy anymore and does a high kick on stage, I get the giggles every time.

Blanche is heavily involved in the arts community in Las Vegas, and this weekend is finishing a run in a production of Sweeney Todd, playing awful pie purveyor Mrs. Lovett (oh yeah, she's a damn good actress, as well). She has said it's her dream role, but she's already been playing my favorite role of her career for years...the perfect burlesque emcee.

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